Let me introduce myself!

Marriage Celebrant, MC and your Wedding Day Bestie

Hi, I’m Linley!

I’m here to make your dream day as stress free as possible. I will be that calming presence that will help soothe all those excited little butterflies. Don’t think that this just applies to your wedding day either (nope!) I’ll be there through the whole lead up feeling like your new best friend. My down to earth and organised nature will make you quickly realise that we’ve got this!

My years working in retail and hospitality means I can (and will) talk to anyone and everyone with ease. I’m a navigator of awkward conversations and loosen up even the biggest of grumps with a laugh!

I created two small humans with my husband and despite being in constant demands for snacks, I am always carrying Hot Wheelz, stickers and maybe even a cheeky lollipop or two.

Why I became a


I am a sucker for romance and am borderline obsessed with hearing love stories. I think that everyone has a unique and epic love story and I couldn’t think of a better job than sharing that with the world.

I have a degree in Professional Publishing and Writing, so putting pen to paper has never been a problem for me. Getting to craft each one of my lovebirds’ ceremonies is my favourite part of this job! The cute stories and funny moments always brings a smile to my face.

I want to capture all the love, happiness and excitement you have for each other and give you a fun, relaxed and heartfelt ceremony.

Things that only a

true friend

would know

I’m going to be deep diving into your lives, so it’s only fair that I share some dirt with you too!

  1. I’m a big foodie. I make the most incredible pasta dishes. I try to never go to the same restaurant twice because there is just too much good food out there to experience.

  2. I’m a huge book lover and board game fanatic. Romances are my go-to genre (do you see a pattern here?) and fantasy takes a close second. Reading outside on a warm spring day is my happy place!

  3. I would sell a kidney to see more live music. Be it screaming my lungs out at a Taylor Swift concert or sitting in awe at a musical theatre production. I don’t mind having my funny bone tickled at comedy acts either.

  4. The world has too many amazing destinations and I don’t have enough time to see them all. So if you need someone to travel for love, I’m your girl!